I grew up in a family of storytellers.
My dad was always spinning a tale, engaging family and friends and often strangers with his words and his charismatic smile. His passion for life and people rippled forth in his energy. People turned their heads when he entered the room, his personality and gift of engaging with story was that big. I learned from a master that whether you were selling or teaching or just trying to get your message across, good story is what connects. It wins hearts and it also wins business.
digital-first marketing strategist
My corporate years were spent in traditional media, first Radio, then Television working in sales and marketing management positions for little companies you may have heard of including CBS and Time Warner. In 2008 I took that knowledge and graduated into Digital and today I help build brands – digital first – using content, social media, and strategy. Over the years I have dealt with a myriad of industries and businesses which brings a unique eye and insight that my clients benefit from.
personal branding expert
In today’s world, everyone is a brand. Everyone needs a home base online and needs to think as much about the impression they make online as they do offline. I help entrepreneurs, CEOs, corporate executives, and career pivoters navigate those waters and make digital work for them.
global educator
I’ve been an Assistant Professor of Digital Marketing, Social Media and Real-World Courses in a Masters of Science Program at NYU since 2013. Teaching is one of the great privileges and joys of my life. The bonus for me personally is one that extends to my clients. Because I teach this stuff, I have to be on top of my digital game.
pitch perfector
I spent a lot of years earning a living selling. All I did all day long was present and show clients how my radio or television station would help their business. The further I get away from it the more I realize how much I still use those skills every day, how critical that skill is to a successful career, and how challenging it is for most people to do. I help people hone their pitches and learn how to do it without feeling “pitchy.”
workshop facilitator
I use the same skills I use in the classroom to improve Digital IQ within companies, whether that is Selling Your Brand, Social Media, Using LinkedIn To Build Your Brand, Getting Your Story Straight, or Personal Branding training. My approach always is to simplify what otherwise might seem complex and to make it fun.
Above all, I am a writer who learned how to deliver a powerful and engaging message using a limited number of words when I was selling country music radio in the Eighties. I use that ability to write in the voice of your brand to deliver content that engages and converts online and offline.
An indie author, I have published four books to date, Crafting Your Pitch, A Storytelling Framework, Getting Your Personal Brand Story Straight, a workbook, It Takes An Egg Timer, A Guide to Creating the Time For Your Life, and a novel, The Secrets They Kept.
I am a lot of things, but I am a human first whose career has been a circuitous path, a journey with lots of ups and downs and what the #*%@ am I doing moments, but ultimately one that has allowed me to combine the best of my experience and expertise with what I love to do most – educate, inspire, write and empower others to live their best lives and allow their voices to be heard in a noisy and changing digital age.
I am a fierce supporter of women’s rights, education, social justice, and the environment.
I also believe that the secret elixir to staying young is staying curious and always be learning. So let’s keep learning!
Want to know how to hire me? You can reach me here.
Want to know more about my journey? Read more of my story here.