As space goes in New York, I have a good one. Still the arrival of my new desk this weekend forced me to rearrange the furniture.
It started with the removal of an oversized chair. I thought that was it. The desk would go where the chair was. But I have been a bit antsy about some space change lately. Now that this is my home and my office, I had an itch to shake things up. My new workspace was not enough to satisfy me. I looked around the room and started envisioning other possibilities.
An hour later I had configured a whole new space. One that is more spacious and open than the way things had been.
I was happy. In this new setup everything looks different and feels different. I had shifted the furniture and with it the energy.
But what I can’t get out of my head is why I had not thought of this before. I was absolutely convinced that the way I had my furniture arranged was the only option. That there was no other choice. I had a limited space and I was doing what I could with it.
But I was wrong.
Had I just been too busy the way things in my corporate life had been that I didn’t notice I even had a choice? Had I been that consumed with unwinding and recharging my own battery when I came home to notice things could look different?
Apparently, the answer to that is yes.
I am reminded today as I look around at my change that there is always possibility. Sometimes we don’t see it. Often we don’t allow ourselves to. In rearranging the furniture and in our career decisions. One little shift is all it takes.
I think it was just the time for you to see the possibilities. You had not thought if the new arrangement before because you just weren’t in a place where that change was necessary for you.
I often rearrange my rooms to keep the energy in our life moving, plus I don’t think we’ve got the best layout yet.
I look forward to seeing if anything else shifts in your life as a result of you moving your furniture. It often happens! In any case, good for you for being open to the flow of your life and moving things around – in all areas.
This happened to me! I lived for years in a small cottage on Cape Cod with a great view but no dishwasher. One day I turned around and realized that if I stuck the refrigerator in a useless closet, I would have room for a dishwasher. Why it took so long for that vision, I will never know. I guess sometimes the obvious is so in front of us that we just don’t see it. Good luck on your journey and enjoy your new set up!