Perhaps you've had this dream. Of packing it all up. Quitting the job. Selling the house. Moving someplace far, far away. Halfway To Each Other is a story of a couple who did just that.The author, Susan Pohlman and her husband decided on a whim while … [Read more]
The Glambertinas
If you're wondering what The Glambertinas are it's not the name of a new martini or a new automobile. It's the name given to the group of women who have a thing for Adam Lambert. Some might call it an obsession. They call it a passion.I admit to not … [Read more]
The Girls From Poyda B
I'm old enough to remember when co-ed dorms were considered controversial. There was only one at Rider College when I attended.Poyda was on the far end of campus on the other side of the Lake and past the Fraternity houses. As far away from the … [Read more]
This Is What Reinvention Looks Like
It looks the way change does.It's messy.It requires determination.It's never perfect.It means standing in the face of fear.It means taking the risk you might fail.It means knowing not taking the risk is a bigger failure.It means standing in your … [Read more]
The First Day Of Spring
March 20, 2010The Vernal Equinox A day when the length of night and day across the world is nearly equal.A day the sun crosses the trues celestial equator.A celebration of rebirth in nature.A reminder of all that is new and possible. The Universe's … [Read more]
Things Take Time
Rebecca Skloot is the author of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. It took ten years of devotion to get the book written and published. Ten years! I heard her speak Wednesday at The NY Society for Ethical Culture. She remarked that during those … [Read more]
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