I have always liked to hibernate in the winter, particularly in January. It feels good after the December rush, the gift buying, the holiday parties, the overindulgence, to just slow down and get acquainted with my apartment again. I like to think of it as a time to gather up my energies before the inevitability of spring.
This year I have taken this concept of hibernation to a new high. I am after all working out of my house now. In previous winters I was forced to leave at least once a day to get to the office. Now the office is in my living room. It is true. I confess. Days can go by and the farthest I make it outside is to go to the lobby and get my mail.
Curiously, I find I am OK with that. I have no signs of cabin fever. In fact just the opposite. I find myself rather content to stay warm and cozy in my apartment. And let’s face it, this winter! Whoa! It has already been way too cold and way too long for this sun worshiper.
OK, OK. So maybe I am exaggerating just a tad. There are trips to the gym and the grocery store and I admit to a few social outings. But no sooner am I out there than I long to get out of the cold and back home.
I was told once that the Taos Pueblo Indians believed there should be no forward movement between November and March, that this was a good time to replenish the spirit, nurture your soul, and get clear on what’s next. I am not sure what they would think of signing on to Facebook to canoodle with a few friends, if you need a little fix of the outside world. I confess, hibernation is much easier with high speed Internet access.
Still, what the Taos Pueblos believed has always resonated with me, perhaps this winter more than ever. My spirit is being replenished, not just from the past year but from a long career. It’s good to pull back while creating the space for what is ahead.
Come to think of it, perhaps this is true of the state of the economy. There is a lot of soul searching going on there. Perhaps it too, needs some time to replenish its spirit as it recreates and before we see any real growth.
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