Nothing can update a wardrobe like the right shoes. I was in search of a new pair that would update some of my former work dresses and make them look less corporate and more fun. I had a shoe in my head that would fit this picture. The only problem was I couldn’t seem to find the shoe.
Everything I found was either not comfortable enough or so comfortable they looked like they should be paired with yoga pants. There were heels that were too flat, which I have discovered over time hurt my feet as much as those that stand me at six feet tall. I tried the discount stores and the high end stores. I couldn’t even find a pair that matched my vision of smart, stylish, a little sexy and able to walk in that were too expensive for my budget. And trust me, I was nearing the point were I might be tempted to pull out my credit card for just such an item and not care.
But I held out. I reminded myself that I had been here before and I was a lucky shopper. I always find what I want. Sometimes it happens quickly and sometimes it requires patience.
Which is how I found myself at the Theory sample sale last week. No they were not selling shoes. But standing next to me in the open space that passes for a dressing room at these sample sales was a woman with really great shoes. In fact they were almost exactly what I wanted. If the heel was just a tad lower they would be perfect. I kept looking at the shoes. I complimented them. She looked up momentarily from her Blackberry to thank me.
But I couldn’t stop looking. As I stood half naked trying on a khaki green shirt I asked her where she got them. Another pause, this time from the Blackberry and her conversation with her girlfriend, and she proceeded to give me the name of the company, tell me they had a new store on Bond Street and a website. And oh, they came in a version with a lower heel and they were surprisingly comfortable.
Now I know my shoes, but had never heard of United Nude. Funny how when desire is about to be fulfilled my memory never fails me. Back home, in front of my computer I managed to remember the name, looked them up and made a phone call to check for my size. A couple of hours later I was on the B train and I had my shoes. Turns out they were reasonably priced and 10% off! I had found my shoes and as a bonus had a gotten a much needed lesson in manifestation.
The Lesson:
Know what you want. Trust you will get it. Hold the vision clear, but not so tightly that you might be pressed to settle for less than what that picture is. Believe. Don’t think the manifestation will necessarily occur in an expected arena. The clues to fulfilling that desire might appear in unusual places. Look for signs.Take Action.
Love, love, love this story! Things do work out, don’t they?
Thank you! Yes, things do work out when we trust they will!
Love the back stories to a good juice desire…they are always spectacular….so what pair did you get?