I have a thing for podcasts.
Podcasts keep me awake and engaged when I’m in the gym or driving the New Jersey Turnpike to see my Mom. There are so many good ones out there now that inform, inspire or simply stimulate my thought process that it’s sometimes hard to choose.
On my last trip back to New York, the fires were raging in California. I was worried about the many friends and family I know who live there. I knew I needed inspiration so I decided to listen to an episode of Thrive Global where Arianna Huffington was interviewing Hoda Kotb.
Hoda was sharing a story of a conversation she had with a stranger when she was recovering from breast cancer. She had shared with this man how she had been keeping her experience private. The words her offered her were not to hog her journey. He told her that her journey might help someone else who needed to hear it.
I heard that just as I was contemplating the idea of starting this whole project. I took it as a tiny wink from the Universe that I am supposed to be doing this. I suppose if I touch even one person with something I share that makes a difference in that moment, I can call this a success.
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