It’s snowing again. In a way I’m rather over all this white fluff. I’ve lost track of how many days this winter today’s snow makes. But in another I am happy to see it. You see I think time is moving too fast. It is January 25 already. There is less than a week left to this first month of 2011. And the snow is my invitation to slow that all down.
I have a list of 101 desires and intentions that I want to manifest this year. I noticed yesterday as we moved into this last week of the first month of the year that I felt panic. Would there be enough time to make it all happen? Which items were already in play? And what if each and every item on this list comes to be? How do I digest all that? More panic.
For some reason the sight of the snow falling outside my window eased my anxiety. Since I was a kid a snow day signified slow down to me. People can’t move as fast. The trains are slower. The buses crawl. Offices open late and close early. The pile up of slush and snow at the corners force pedestrians to form single lines as they navigate the cleanest path.
A snow day is a day to catch up. Or to get ahead. Or to play hooky. The first flakes of snow falling from the sky begs me to revel in the miracle of white, if only for a moment, in a way rain never does.
Snow says slowdown. It is my reminder from above that there is something far greater and more powerful than me that I have absolutely no control over. I can’t control the slowdown the thick white flakes sticking to the ground can cause any more than I can control the passage of time.
But I can slow down just enough to stay in this moment and not get too far ahead of myself. The forecast says more snow. Apparently I am not the only one who wants January to end slowly.
Do you think the year is moving too fast?
Does snow signify slowdown to you?
What have you created this year so far?
Yes! The year is definitely moving too fast, and so is the snow. On “snow days” I don’t like to go out — so I can actually get more work done.
While I am getting a bit tired of the weather this season, I do love snow for the very reasons you detail here. It does force us to slow down, to pause, to reorient ourselves. And the white? It is magic, purity, innocence. (Until it becomes blackened dog pee slush, that is!)