These are strange and uncertain times. The question of how to be is something I find myself struggling with daily. Like many, the 2016 election woke me up. Each day into this presidency I find myself increasingly obsessed with news reports as I watch chaos created where it didn’t exist before and daily executive orders attempting to unravel the very freedoms this country was built on. I wonder how I will balance my life and my work and still be an informed, aware and vigilant citizen.
I know enough to know that requires self-care, healthy food, exercise, meditation and for me, tapping. It means spending quality time with the people most important to me and searching for joy – no matter what – so I can bring my whole self to the tough stuff. And yes – a glass or two of wine to take the edge off.
But it’s still a struggle.
Especially when it comes to the content I create. Including this blog.
As a content marketer, I try to follow the rule of sharing useful, relevant, persuasive and sometimes entertaining content that relates to my business and that is true to my personal brand. I know I am what I share and what I share creates a composite picture of myself that social media allows me to spread further and faster than every before.
But now that my brand includes activism and a renewed political consciousness, I struggle with how much is too much or even if it’s enough. How does one be when the person elected as president on a platform that would supposedly “Make America Great Again” seems intent on taking it down this dark path towards isolation and breaking apart the Constitution?
I’ve noticed those who ignore it all, who keep themselves “on brand” without blinking an eye and continue to share only the happy stuff as if they didn’t notice that the National Security Council has been dismantled and an alt-right self-proclaimed Leninist has been the president’s closest advisor – although each day there seems to be less of them. Even major corporations have issued statements against the immigration ban
We all have our breaking points.
But as I worry about what is too much I wonder if it crosses the minds of those that stay silent that sharing nothing, saying nothing and doing nothing makes just as big a statement and has just as big an impact on one’s credibility and brand and in these times – on the future of our country.
photo credit: VisualHunt.com
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